Hotel Management Job
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Glorious Journey of 30 years

ITI Courses in Hotel Trades are Running here

We are Under

We were awarded as the best institute by West Bengal Govt. in the year 2013-2014

Cost of Education
Checking the fee structure becomes an important issue as it will also give an idea about the total expenses to complete the course. NIHM Kolkata however, does not charge huge fee for any of the offered course. Moreover, at the time of admission, the admission department does not hide any part of the course fee. The admission counselors of NIHM, who are actually responsible for the student admission, consider it as their duty to describe the studentship guidelines and also supply the printed fee structure prior to the student admission in the concerned course. This fee structure provides sufficient information about the total expenses to complete the course. The admission officer and the college authority also clarify the scope of scholarship facilities, during the period of study at NIHM, Kolkata.
Scholarship & Educational Loan
At NIHM, the students of Hotel Management can get various scholarship facilities. The scholarships are given by the State and Central Govt., NGO’s or by the private and corporate bodies. Students need to declare the requirement and status of the applied scholarship before taking admission. Students cannot apply for more than one scholarship for a particular course.
NIHM students can take Educational loan from commercial banks to complete their studies. Students can also take student credit card facility which is provided by many state governments across the country.
Hostel Boarding
Outstation students can also avail the hostel facility of the college which is situated inside the college campus. Hostel facility is available for boys and girls students. The hostel charge is also quite reasonable and pocket friendly for the middle income class students.
Hostel rooms, dining hall, washroom, laundry and other facilities are satisfactorily facilitated up to the level best standard to ease out pseudo pressure on students mind and help to concentrate on studies.
Faculty & Mentors:
Faculty members are the key persons for any institute. They play the major roles in shaping the students ability to excel for a defined dream. NIHM, Kolkata always recruit the quality teachers, who can motivate the young brains to passionately stride toward the success in hospitality industry. Students of NIHM Kolkata are benefitted by the experience and expertise of their faculty members to understand the importance and difference in hospitality on ground and the theoretical knowledge at global scale. All the mentors and faculty members at NIHM Kolkata are well versed, well known in the hospitality world.
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