Hotel Management Job
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Glorious Journey of 30 years

ITI Courses in Hotel Trades are Running here

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We were awarded as the best institute by West Bengal Govt. in the year 2013-2014

Future of Hotel Industry
In India, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the hotel industry was more than 13% during 2018- 2021 and is expected to maintain the growth rate above 14% in 2021-2023. The estimated revenue of Rs. 12,10,00 Crore for the financial year 2022-23 alone owing to high arrival of foreign tourists and business delegates. During 2019, the Foreign Tourist Arrival (FTA) in India was 10.89 million with it’s year to year growth rate of 3.2%. The year to year growth in the revenue from Foreign Tourist Earning (FEE) has been increased by 4.8% or about 1,94,881 crore (More than 30 billion dollars).
Scope of Employment in Hotel Industry
Beside revenue, the hospitality and tourism industry holds 39 million jobs during 2020-21, which is around 8% of total employment of the country. By 2028-29, the industry is expected to hold about 53 million jobs. In 2019, India has been ranked 10th out of total 185 countries all over the world in terms of total contribution to GDP.
Jobs after Hotel Management
After successful completion in Hotel Management a student “NIHM Kolkata” can join in different positions in the hotel industry. Based on the specialization that the student take in the final year/ semester and the knowledge and skill they can acquire approves the final selection of the department and its levels in the industry. There is huge scope of employment in the hotel and Tourism industry and students of NIHM KOLKATA transfigure the opportunity into reality by getting respectable job after their graduation. Last 10 years of academic records of the college is showing 100 per cent placement of NIHM KOLKATA students in India and abroad. Beside Hotels and Tourism organizations, the students of NIHM KOLKATA have been placed in leading Hospitals, Banks, Shipping, Retail, and other service sector organization where they have proved their might in operations and management.
Benefit of joining the Bachelor in Hotel Management course
After completing graduation in Hotel Management, a student can join the core hospitality jobs, like, hotels, Restaurant, Guest House, Clubs, Tourism companies, Catering establishments, Industrial/ commercial canteens etc.
Students of B.H.M can also join Govt. jobs related to hospitality, like, Govt. Guest House , Circuit House, Railway, Hospitals, Indian Army/ Navy/ Air force, Govt. undertakings, P.S.U, Banks etc.
BHM students can have positions in other service sectors, like, Retail Industry, Shopping Malls, Hospitals, Air catering & Cabin service, Cruise ship etc.
A graduate in Hotel management when earn some experience in industry can join education sector or Hotel Management college to train future generation for the industry. After getting early days of experience in the industry, B.H.M. students often start their own business in hospitality sector. These graduates not only earn from their establishments in the industry, but create more employment opportunity for the future generations.
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